Category: Adobe Photoshop

This category houses Artisan HD’s Adobe Photoshop archive. Here you’ll find helpful photoshop tips and tricks. Read blogs featuring Artisan HD brand ambassadors and how they use Photoshop in creating their artwork. You can also learn about how Artisan HD uses Adobe Photoshop to create and print high-quality digital art. Many of the blogs in this category offer Photoshop resources for photographers. Learn how this tool can help you take your work to the next level.

How to Create Professional HDR Images

Now this is a pretty cool technique that should give some interesting effects> And doing these things in hi-res means you can make the prints big. Really big. Backing Winds: How to Create Professional HDR Images: "I've come to believe that there are few things in the digital photography world that Photoshop can't do better [...]

Skin Tones

Skin tones can be a challenge. Here's a couple of articles to simplify the task of making people look less alien-like. Photoshop Color Skin Tones Tutorial For those interested in coloring graphically upon the computer, painting, pastels, colored pencils, markers, and any other coloring tool, skin tones are necessary part of human color. The worls [...]

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