Then, after shooting a killer panoramic of your favorite city, have a 24 x 120 print made for your wall. Wow… on metallic paper for real punch!
Shutterbug: Do It Yourself: “Our project this month is a procedure for turning a 4×5, 5×7, or 8×10 view camera into a panoramic model that makes two or three images on a single sheet of film. Specialty cameras that produce these expansive views are available, but they are costly and generally useable only for panoramic photography. This project is fairly inexpensive and, as no internal changes are made, allows the modified camera to be returned to regular, full-format use at any time. The use of standard-size sheet film gives a wide range of emulsion choices, eliminates the tedium of hand-cutting raw film to fit ‘mongrel’ holders, and does away with the surcharge sometimes placed on odd-sized film by processing labs.”
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