Through Each Other’s Eyes is an organization ‘whose goal is to promote international understanding via the medium of photography’. Among their many projects, they will select photographers from the US and do a cultural exchange with photographers from a foreign land. In their latest project two local photographers, Dennis Scully and Maurice Sartirana, travelled to Hermosillo, Mexico. Antonio Rodriquez from Mexico came to Arizona to explore. They all had the opportunity to capture some incredible images. We were honored to be able to print them for their upcoming exhibit opening October 5th at 6 PM. There will also be a reception with the artists on October 6th from 6 to 7 PM. The initial viewing will be at the Historic Southwest Cotton Company in downtown Phoenix. The show will then be moved to the Wells Fargo Central branch for another two weeks.
Through Each Other’s Eyes
Aaron Kilby2018-07-18T14:08:52-07:00September 1st, 2007|Categories: Art, Photography|Tags: art show, first friday|
About the Author: Aaron Kilby

A self-motivated professional with a positive attitude, Aaron is always open to learning something new. His background includes working with national and international marketing teams to help develop and execute large multi-touch marketing campaigns, fine art prints for both artists and businesses, creative and much more. Along the way, he co-founded two agencies and now serves as the Vice President of Sales and Marketing at ArtisanHD where he loves pushing the boundaries of design in order to exceed client expectations.
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