Artist Geard Maynard in collaboration with Kolor Company created an enormous file taken from the rooftop at 7th Ave & 110th St in New York City. Gerard provided the images and Kolor provided the seaming software, Autopano Pro. The resulting 13 Gigapixel image is a combination of 2,045 12 megapixel shots that took 46 hours to render. They had to set up a special hardware for the rendering, a dual xeon quad-core processor with 8 GB memory and 2 high-speed 150 GB hard drives to make it happen. Gerard also has other composites on his instagram he has created that he prints with a LightJet.
Harlem Gigapixel Image
Aaron Kilby2021-12-06T14:09:51-07:00September 1st, 2007|Categories: Photography, Technology|Tags: gigapixel photography|
About the Author: Aaron Kilby

A self-motivated professional with a positive attitude, Aaron is always open to learning something new. His background includes working with national and international marketing teams to help develop and execute large multi-touch marketing campaigns, fine art prints for both artists and businesses, creative and much more. Along the way, he co-founded two agencies and now serves as the Vice President of Sales and Marketing at ArtisanHD where he loves pushing the boundaries of design in order to exceed client expectations.
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