Custom Wallpaper FAQ's

What’s The Difference Between Wallpaper, Wall Wraps or Wall Murals?

Wallpaper is the original wall-covering made out of sturdy paper, wall wraps are typically made out of a more durable vinyl material, and wall murals are usually painted directly onto the wall. While they all have their virtues, for a long-lasting and versatile wall-coverings wall wraps are seen as the superior choice for custom wall coverings.

What Defines A Custom Print As Large Format?

Most custom print jobs are considered to be "large format" if they have at least one side over 36 inches (3 feet). Artisan HD can print up to a 10 x 10 feet and for larger prints can create several 10 x 10 prints that can be put together (most popular for wall coverings or extra-large signage of some type).

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