Every photographer dreams of the chance to be able to grab their camera gear and travel the world. ArtisanHD client, Don Donelson is a travel enthusiast that fell in love with photography while on the road. Naturally gravitating towards the beautiful, foreign landscapes around him, he began to capture those moments on his cell phone. His passion for travel photography began to grow, and with some influence from a friend, his camera equipment did too.
“The quality of the prints were far better than I ever imagined they would be.” – Don C. Donelson
- Don Donelson Images
- Don Donelson Images
- Don Donelson Images
- Don Donelson Images
Meet The Artist: Don Carl Donelson
01. How did your interests in photography begin?
My interest in photography grew out of my love for traveling and seeing new and interesting places. A friend of mine, who is a photo enthusiast, kept prodding me to upgrade to a camera and to learn how to take photos at some of the places I go.
I resisted for a while on the back of the argument that my iPhone counted as bringing a camera with me, and I even mocked him a few times for lugging all that expensive camera equipment while I had it all in my phone. He convinced me one day by showing me the difference in quality when viewing images at larger than phone screen size.
02. What do you enjoy most about traveling?
I truly adore experiencing landscapes and cultures that are different from my own. Part of the reason I love living in South Florida is how vastly different the culture and landscape are from one area to the next. The Everglades are wondrous and seem as if they should be 1,000 miles away from the palm tree-laced beaches of the Keys and art deco of Miami Beach. Even with all of the diversity that I enjoy here, I still like to experience even more through traveling.
03. Do you have preferred camera equipment?
When it comes to bodies and lenses, I exclusively use Sony. I have the Sony A7R III and a Sony A7R II as my secondary camera. I use 16-35, 24-70, and 100-400 lenses. As for filters, I have a mixed bag that includes Singh Ray, Breakthrough, and Lee products. The majority are Singh-Ray and I find them to be the best of the group.
Printing Your Travel Photography With ArtisanHD
04. Reason for printing this collection of work?
I printed five large landscapes for an application I submitted to show in the Coconut Grove Art Festival, which takes place February 2019 in Miami. As part of the application process, they required a “booth shot”. This is a photo of what your printed work would look like when it is ready for display. I found out last week that my application was accepted and I am quite excited about it!
05. How did you hear of ArtisanHD?
A friend of mine knew that I was looking to get some prints done for my application and heard that you were doing a 25% off sale. I looked up ArtisanHD and appreciated that you did not have preset sizing, and I went with it.
More Than A Printer, We’re Artisan.
If you’re looking for personalized professional photo printing, ArtisanHD is here for you. We’re more than just a print shop, we build relationships with our clients and love inspiring them to try new printing and mounting options that truly bring their artwork to life!
Unique printing options include HD Acrylic, Canvas, Brushed Metal Dibond and much more!
Get started by uploading your images here.
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