Category: Business Best Practices

Learn why investing in high quality product images is a best practice we should all follow. Blogs in this category discuss how print products from Artisan HD can help improve your business branding and visibility. If you are interested in selling your artwork, here you can find guidelines for how to sell your prints online. Artists can also read tips and tricks for creating online portfolios and improving their social media marketing strategy.


From paper prints to digital: Catalog Spree offers a new way to shop through iPad

Padopolis has developed an iPad app called Catalog Spree. The free download offers consumers a brand new way to shop multiple catalogs in one source, much like you would when visiting a traditional brick and mortar mall or flipping through paper prints. The app lets you view product information and order directly from each company's [...]

The link between successful dating techniques and successful marketing

Tony Blei has a background as a photojournalist working for the Associated Press and has the opportunity to shoot multiple seated presidents - with his camera, I should say. He now adds that 'in the moment' style to his portrait and location photography. Tony has been in the photography business long enough to forge through [...]

Imaging USA Convention & Expo this weekend

The PPA, SEPCON, EPIC, and CPI jointly are hosting Imaging USA Convention and Expo this year right here in Phoenix. Besides the numerous educational classes that they offer, they are also holding one of the largest photo industry tradeshows of the year. Over 223,000 square feet of floorspace will be dedicated to the event at [...]

Tony Blei featured in Southwest Graphics Magazine

We have known for some time that Tony Blei is an amazing photographer. We were happy to see that in the Winter 2008 addition of Southwest Graphics Magazine, they gave Tony the chance to talk about his passion for photography and some of the reasons behind his success. Tony has had an extensive career shooting [...]

Photographer’s survival guide

The local ASMP chapter will be holding a seminar this Thursday that could not be more timely. The 3 hour seminar entitled The Photographer's Survival Guide (for Today's Market) will be given by portfolio and marketing consultants Suzanne Sease and Amanda Sosa Stone. They will touch on many aspects of what can make your photographic [...]

More Than Surviving the Market

Our local ASMP (American Society of Media Photographers) chapter will be hosting a new series of lectures entitled "More Than Surviving the Market". The program is designed so that photographers can share their experiences to help manage a changing marketplace. The first installment will be about "Producing the Shoot." Rick Gayle along with stylist Kim Krejca [...]

When do you need permission to photograph someone?

Asked and answered at Digital Photography School. Asking Permission to Photograph People: "1. I always ask for permission if the person will be the main subject of my photo - I figure that I’m a guest in another country and that I want to behave like I’d expect someone to behave if they were in [...]

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