Category: Cameras and Camera Accessories

This category contains a wealth of information about cameras, camera accessories, camera settings, and how to create standout images. For beginning photographers, you will find helpful information such as tutorials and photography terminology explained. Learn about the difference between smartphone cameras and digital cameras as well as how to improve your smartphone photography. See artwork from our Brand Ambassadors and learn what camera and photography equipment the pros use. You’ll also find discussion about printing high quality images and why we should still print photos in a digital era.

Donate Your Old Cellphones, PDAs, and Digital Cameras For Charity – Gizmodo

Hey if you have some things to donate, this is a very good cause. Gizmodo readers love having the latest and greatest cellphones, PDAs and other mobile electronics. However, this means they have a whole bunch of older gear that are sitting, dusty and unwanted, in the basement. Why not do some good by donating [...]

Odds and Ends… for the weekend

Handmade cameras. Say it to yourself slowly. Doesn't it sound exquisite? I love handmade things, and it happened I stumbled across this little treasure trove of links... enjoy Odds and Ends...Please inquire You may still have time if you live in Maine... "Handmade Cameras, Handmade Images" LandEscapes College of the Atlantic Mount Desert Island, Maine, [...]

Speaking of View Cameras

A bit old, but a good read anyway. Camera Works: Photo Essay ( "At 57, David Burnett, is a renowned photojournalist who has worked in 60 countries and has covered presidential campaigns and Olympic games for the past three decades. He also co-founded the famed Contact Press Images agency that includes such other high-wattage photo [...]

Canon Camera Museum

If you are a Canon shooter and haven't visited this cool site, take a moment and do so. All the oldies are there including the famous AE1... what a workhorse camera. Update: From Engadget Canon, a company long associated with all kinds of photography, may become the next player to abandon the shrinking film [...]

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