Part of our series from the “10 Things…” document.

1. Conference Rooms and Lobbies
What a great place for large images. Just imagine how cool a 24 x 48 print would look at the end of your conference room. How about a 36 x 84? Tying it into the theme of the company or the project that is at hand can inspire the interest of all. A calming, soothing image may make client meetings more palatable.
Photographs in the lobby generally go one of two ways; they can reflect the mission of the company, its people or the locale/region of the company – or it may be a totally off-the-wall approach with something that sparks a smile or an inquiry.

Black and White images can make a very dramatic statement in an office that may have some nice colors already, and brilliant, glossy, color images on metallic paper can add some serious pizzazz to an office that may need a little sparkle. Either way, the images should be as large as you can make them, allowing for installation and a little breathing room.

One office I remember had full size black and white images of some of their employees on a pure white background. They were fitted into panels on some of the walls that were visible from the lobby. The lobby also featured a giant photo of someone swinging a golf club, with an interesting crop and some blur. (see the Artisan HD website for more)

Here are a few resources for you.

A Building Lobby, “Way of Design, Book One”: “The basic design concept for this lobby calls for better lighting. Symmetrically arranged marble arches illuminate the recessed walls. The antique gold leafed ceiling tiles offset the light and dark travertine marble giving the lobby a subtle richness.”

Here is an interesting design.

Book: About 50 new projects will present the new trends of Lobbies as the place of a building to welcome the visitors. It is shown how important the design of this area is to give a first and quick impression of the character of the inner life of a building. The book is divided in the chapters of public buildings like office buildings, banks and hotels. As well private apartment houses will be shown. The projects will be presented in alphabetical order of the designers. As far as available plans will be shown. An index of contact information of the designers and architects is enclosed.

And here is a good post at

The lobby space type includes foyers, entries to halls, and security screening areas at or near the entrance to a building or demarcated space, and are meant to welcome and direct tenants and visitors, control access, and provide exit ways from buildings. This space type is often designed with both secure and nonsecure areas. The lobby space type does not include elevator lobbies. Building lobbies often serve as the “public face” of building interiors.

And here is a simple gallery.

And one last post to a nice site for architectural work for your lobby.