Another event taking place this weekend is a show from the Through Each Other’s Eyes organization. The latest show features four photographers from two countries. Dennis Scully and Maurice Sartirana traveled to Japan in a culture exchange with two Japanese photographers Haruhiko Shimauchi and Noriyoshi Kanda. Their resulting images will be on display this weekend at the Historic Southwest Cotton Company Building. The show will be part of the First Friday events as well as a reception with the artists on Saturday night. We were honored that they selected us to do some Metallic printing for the show.
The Historic Southwest Cotton Co. Bldg. is located at 605 E. Grant St. in downtown Phoenix. The March 6th First Friday event starts at 6 pm, and the artist reception on Saturday March 7th is from 5-8 pm. Hope to see you there!
The 16th exchange between photographers in Phoenix and Himeji, sister cities since 1976, began with the visit of Haruhiko Shimauchi and Noriyoshi Kanda to Arizona in February, 2008. Hosted by TEOE Photographers Dennis Scully and Maurice Sartirana, their shooting schedule included Super Bowl activities at West Gate, a Chocolate festival and fire cadet training in Glendale.
Sartirana and Scully will complete the exchange by traveling to Japan. The participants stay at each other’s homes while traveling abroad, making the experience a rich cultural exchange that was about far more than making pictures. Each photographer will feature 20 prints in the resulting exhibit, presenting images of how two cultures perceive one another.
The pictures of Dennis and Maurice seen here were taken during their trip to Japan in 2008.
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